Name: Vinit Nalawade

In [1]:
#import required libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
#for counter operations
from collections import Counter
#for plotting graphs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Make the graphs a bit prettier, and bigger
pd.set_option('display.mpl_style', 'default')
pd.set_option('display.width', 5000)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 60)
%matplotlib inline

C:\Users\Vinit\AppData\Local\Enthought\Canopy\User\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\ FutureWarning: 
mpl_style had been deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Use `` instead.

  exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)

Part One: Go to the Social Security Administration US births website and select the births table there and copy it to your clipboard. Use the pandas read_clipboard function to read the table into Python, and use matplotlib to plot male and female births for the years covered in the data.

In [2]:
#informing python that ',' indicates thousands
df = pd.read_clipboard(thousands = ',')

In [3]:

Year of birth Male Female Total
0 1880 118399 97604 216003
1 1881 108282 98855 207137
2 1882 122031 115696 237727
3 1883 112478 120059 232537
4 1884 122739 137586 260325
5 1885 115946 141949 257895
6 1886 119042 153736 272778
7 1887 109315 155422 264737
8 1888 129905 189447 319352
9 1889 119034 189219 308253
10 1890 119701 201661 321362
11 1891 109267 196567 305834
12 1892 131453 224915 356368
13 1893 121040 225232 346272
14 1894 124894 235972 360866
15 1895 126644 247107 373751
16 1896 129072 251993 381065
17 1897 121943 248275 370218
18 1898 132105 274146 406251
19 1899 115195 247490 362685
20 1900 162140 317775 479915
21 1901 115595 254232 369827
22 1902 132749 280333 413082
23 1903 129326 278198 407524
24 1904 138508 292438 430946
25 1905 143244 309870 453114
26 1906 144070 313441 457511
27 1907 158588 337433 496021
28 1908 166372 354533 520905
29 1909 176868 368098 544966
... ... ... ... ...
106 1986 1920483 1844734 3765217
107 1987 1949062 1873574 3822636
108 1988 2000862 1922263 3923125
109 1989 2095209 1991787 4086996
110 1990 2150863 2053702 4204565
111 1991 2118988 2032978 4151966
112 1992 2098423 2004166 4102589
113 1993 2064806 1971029 4035835
114 1994 2037777 1948875 3986652
115 1995 2010773 1921035 3931808
116 1996 2003109 1916678 3919787
117 1997 1997063 1908561 3905624
118 1998 2026806 1937701 3964507
119 1999 2037920 1945832 3983752
120 2000 2086976 1994461 4081437
121 2001 2066991 1979571 4046562
122 2002 2065175 1973556 4038731
123 2003 2099617 2004932 4104549
124 2004 2111689 2016063 4127752
125 2005 2125380 2027508 4152888
126 2006 2190066 2088261 4278327
127 2007 2212515 2113906 4326421
128 2008 2177409 2079948 4257357
129 2009 2117746 2021799 4139545
130 2010 2050778 1956853 4007631
131 2011 2026895 1933342 3960237
132 2012 2023569 1934051 3957620
133 2013 2013559 1920953 3934512
134 2014 2039794 1947553 3987347
135 2015 2026872 1935109 3961981

136 rows × 4 columns

In [4]:
#plot male and female births for the years covered in the data
plt.plot(df['Year of birth'], df['Male'], c = 'b', label = 'Male')
plt.plot(df['Year of birth'], df['Female'],c = 'r', label = 'Female')
plt.legend(loc = 'upper left')
#plt.axis([1880, 2015, 0, 2500000])
plt.xlabel('Year of birth')
plt.ylabel('No. of births')
plt.title('Total births by Sex and Year')
#double the size of plot for visibility
size = 2
params = plt.gcf()
plSize = params.get_size_inches()
params.set_size_inches((plSize[0]*size, plSize[1]*size))

plot xkcd style :)

with plt.xkcd():

#plt.plot(df['Year of birth'], df['Male'], c = 'b', label = 'Male')
#plt.plot(df['Year of birth'], df['Female'],c = 'r', label = 'Female')
#plt.legend(loc = 'upper left')
#plt.xlim(xmax = 2015)
#plt.xlabel('Year of birth')
#plt.ylabel('No. of births')
#plt.title('Male and Female births from 1880 to 2015')

In the same notebook, use Python to get a list of male and female names from these files. This data is broken down by year of birth.
The files contain names data of the years from 1881 to 2010.
Aggregating this data in "names" dataframe below.

In [5]:
years = range(1881,2011)
pieces = []
columns = ['name','sex','births']
for year in years:
    path = 'names/yob{0:d}.txt'.format(year)
    frame = pd.read_csv(path,names=columns)
    frame['year'] = year
names = pd.concat(pieces, ignore_index=True)

In [6]:

name sex births year
0 Mary F 6919 1881
1 Anna F 2698 1881
2 Emma F 2034 1881
3 Elizabeth F 1852 1881
4 Margaret F 1658 1881

In [7]:

name sex births year
1688779 Zymaire M 5 2010
1688780 Zyonne M 5 2010
1688781 Zyquarius M 5 2010
1688782 Zyran M 5 2010
1688783 Zzyzx M 5 2010

Part Two: Aggregate the data for all years (see the examples in the Pandas notebooks). Use Python Counters to get letter frequencies for male and female names. Use matplotlib to draw a plot that for each letter (x-axis) shows the frequency of that letter (y-axis) as the last letter for both for male and female names.

The data is already agregated in "names" dataframe.
Getting separate dataframes for Males and Females.
Defining a List for male and female names.

In [8]:
female_names = names[ == 'F']
male_names = names[ == 'M']
print "For Female names"
print female_names.head()
print "\nFor Male names"
print male_names.tail()

female_list = list(female_names['name'])
male_list = list(male_names['name'])

For Female names
        name sex  births  year
0       Mary   F    6919  1881
1       Anna   F    2698  1881
2       Emma   F    2034  1881
3  Elizabeth   F    1852  1881
4   Margaret   F    1658  1881

For Male names
              name sex  births  year
1688779    Zymaire   M       5  2010
1688780     Zyonne   M       5  2010
1688781  Zyquarius   M       5  2010
1688782      Zyran   M       5  2010
1688783      Zzyzx   M       5  2010

Calculating the letter frequency for male names.

In [9]:
male_letter_freq = Counter()
#converting every letter to lowercase
for name in map(lambda x:x.lower(),male_names['name']):
    for i in name:
        male_letter_freq[i] += 1

Counter({'a': 473311,
         'b': 68392,
         'c': 113693,
         'd': 174305,
         'e': 461160,
         'f': 35285,
         'g': 54872,
         'h': 127314,
         'i': 294758,
         'j': 64378,
         'k': 75215,
         'l': 288703,
         'm': 134677,
         'n': 367462,
         'o': 286286,
         'p': 31022,
         'q': 10758,
         'r': 358075,
         's': 181320,
         't': 164948,
         'u': 99128,
         'v': 59996,
         'w': 38851,
         'x': 7561,
         'y': 114680,
         'z': 23641})

Calculating the letter frequency for female names.

In [10]:
female_letter_freq = Counter()
#converting every letter to lowercase
for name in map(lambda x:x.lower(),female_names['name']):
    for i in name:
        female_letter_freq[i] += 1

Counter({'a': 1106691,
         'b': 73211,
         'c': 153819,
         'd': 184736,
         'e': 808732,
         'f': 28774,
         'g': 62188,
         'h': 219581,
         'i': 558570,
         'j': 82958,
         'k': 111843,
         'l': 499178,
         'm': 188030,
         'n': 586892,
         'o': 208432,
         'p': 31781,
         'q': 12479,
         'r': 418955,
         's': 271518,
         't': 267157,
         'u': 86084,
         'v': 66889,
         'w': 23138,
         'x': 7608,
         'y': 221353,
         'z': 35572})

Calculating the last letter frequency for male names.

In [11]:
male_last_letter_freq = Counter()
for name in male_names['name']:
    male_last_letter_freq[name[-1]] += 1

Counter({'a': 24564,
         'b': 3222,
         'c': 5033,
         'd': 36761,
         'e': 89489,
         'f': 3042,
         'g': 5071,
         'h': 17462,
         'i': 17253,
         'j': 1200,
         'k': 13634,
         'l': 59630,
         'm': 12404,
         'n': 162164,
         'o': 54056,
         'p': 1941,
         'q': 500,
         'r': 39092,
         's': 51797,
         't': 21226,
         'u': 2657,
         'v': 1379,
         'w': 2230,
         'x': 1920,
         'y': 53839,
         'z': 4175})

Calculating the last letter frequency for female names.

In [12]:
female_last_letter_freq = Counter()
for name in female_names['name']:
    female_last_letter_freq[name[-1]] += 1

Counter({'a': 422651,
         'b': 441,
         'c': 760,
         'd': 6464,
         'e': 226254,
         'f': 125,
         'g': 1735,
         'h': 38365,
         'i': 44042,
         'j': 157,
         'k': 1548,
         'l': 35834,
         'm': 3610,
         'n': 101182,
         'o': 8316,
         'p': 355,
         'q': 24,
         'r': 14056,
         's': 19402,
         't': 10528,
         'u': 2019,
         'v': 107,
         'w': 640,
         'x': 843,
         'y': 61742,
         'z': 1843})

Plot for each letter showing the frequency of that letter as the last letter for both for male and female names.
I use the OrderedDict function from collections here to arrange the letters present in counter in acsending order for plotting.

In [13]:
#for ordering items of counter in ascending order
from collections import OrderedDict
#plot of last letter frequency of male names in ascending order of letters
male_last_letter_freq_asc = OrderedDict(sorted(male_last_letter_freq.items())), male_last_letter_freq_asc.values(), align='center')
plt.xticks(range(len(male_last_letter_freq_asc)), male_last_letter_freq_asc.keys())
plt.title('Frequency of last letter for Male names')

#plot of last letter frequency of female names in ascending order of letters
female_last_letter_freq_asc = OrderedDict(sorted(female_last_letter_freq.items())), female_last_letter_freq_asc.values(), align='center')
plt.xticks(range(len(female_last_letter_freq_asc)), female_last_letter_freq_asc.keys())
plt.title('Frequency of last letter for Female names')

female_last_letter_freq_asc = OrderedDict(sorted(female_last_letter_freq.items()))
plt.plot(range(len(female_last_letter_freq_asc)), female_last_letter_freq_asc.values(), c = 'r', label = 'Female')
plt.plot(range(len(male_last_letter_freq_asc)), male_last_letter_freq_asc.values(), c = 'b', label = 'Male')
plt.xticks(range(len(male_last_letter_freq_asc)), male_last_letter_freq_asc.keys())
plt.legend(loc = 'upper right')
plt.title('Frequency of last letter in names by Sex')
#double the size of plot for visibility
size = 2
params = plt.gcf()
plSize = params.get_size_inches()
params.set_size_inches((plSize[0]*size, plSize[1]*size))

Part Three: Now do just female names, but aggregate your data in decades (10 year) increments. Produce a plot that contains the 1880s line, the 1940s line, and the 1990s line, as well as the female line for all years aggregated together from Part Two. Evaluate how stable this statistic is. Speculate on why it is is stable, if it is, or on what demographic facts might explain any changes, if there are any. Turn in your ipython notebook file, showing the code you used to complete parts One, Two, an Three.

In [18]:
#to get the decade lists
#female_1880 = female_names[female_names['year'] < 1890]
#female_1890 = female_names[(female_names['year'] >= 1890) & (female_names['year'] < 1900)]
#female_1900 = female_names[(female_names['year'] >= 1900) & (female_names['year'] < 1910)]
#female_1910 = female_names[(female_names['year'] >= 1910) & (female_names['year'] < 1920)]
#female_1920 = female_names[(female_names['year'] >= 1920) & (female_names['year'] < 1930)]
#female_1930 = female_names[(female_names['year'] >= 1930) & (female_names['year'] < 1940)]
#female_1940 = female_names[(female_names['year'] >= 1940) & (female_names['year'] < 1950)]
#female_1950 = female_names[(female_names['year'] >= 1950) & (female_names['year'] < 1960)]
#female_1960 = female_names[(female_names['year'] >= 1960) & (female_names['year'] < 1970)]
#female_1970 = female_names[(female_names['year'] >= 1970) & (female_names['year'] < 1980)]
#female_1980 = female_names[(female_names['year'] >= 1980) & (female_names['year'] < 1990)]
#female_1990 = female_names[(female_names['year'] >= 1990) & (female_names['year'] < 2000)]
#female_2000 = female_names[(female_names['year'] >= 2000) & (female_names['year'] < 2010)]
#female_2010 = female_names[female_names['year'] >= 2010]

#another earier way to get the decade lists for females
female_1880 = female_names[female_names.year.isin(range(1880,1890))]
female_1890 = female_names[female_names.year.isin(range(1890,1900))]
female_1900 = female_names[female_names.year.isin(range(1900,1910))]
female_1910 = female_names[female_names.year.isin(range(1910,1920))]
female_1920 = female_names[female_names.year.isin(range(1920,1930))]
female_1930 = female_names[female_names.year.isin(range(1930,1940))]
female_1940 = female_names[female_names.year.isin(range(1940,1950))]
female_1950 = female_names[female_names.year.isin(range(1950,1960))]
female_1960 = female_names[female_names.year.isin(range(1960,1970))]
female_1970 = female_names[female_names.year.isin(range(1970,1980))]
female_1980 = female_names[female_names.year.isin(range(1980,1990))]
female_1990 = female_names[female_names.year.isin(range(1990,2000))]
female_2000 = female_names[female_names.year.isin(range(2000,2010))]
female_2010 = female_names[female_names.year.isin(range(2010,2011))] #just the year 2010 present

#to verify sorting of data
print female_1880.head()
print female_1880.tail()

        name sex  births  year
0       Mary   F    6919  1881
1       Anna   F    2698  1881
2       Emma   F    2034  1881
3  Elizabeth   F    1852  1881
4   Margaret   F    1658  1881
         name sex  births  year
19627  Wessie   F       5  1889
19628   Zepha   F       5  1889
19629  Zilpha   F       5  1889
19630  Zulema   F       5  1889
19631    Zuma   F       5  1889

Preparing data for the 1880s.
A counter for last letter frequencies.

In [19]:
female_1880_freq = Counter()
for name in female_1880['name']:
    female_1880_freq[name[-1]] += 1

Counter({'a': 4718,
         'c': 2,
         'd': 111,
         'e': 3854,
         'g': 15,
         'h': 307,
         'i': 24,
         'k': 12,
         'l': 324,
         'm': 29,
         'n': 329,
         'o': 54,
         'r': 176,
         's': 220,
         't': 132,
         'u': 22,
         'w': 2,
         'x': 1,
         'y': 586,
         'z': 12})

Preparing data for the 1940s.
A counter for last letter frequencies.

In [20]:
female_1940_freq = Counter()
for name in female_1940['name']:
    female_1940_freq[name[-1]] += 1

Counter({'a': 20207,
         'b': 18,
         'c': 14,
         'd': 486,
         'e': 16640,
         'g': 85,
         'h': 928,
         'i': 1308,
         'k': 66,
         'l': 2580,
         'm': 135,
         'n': 6135,
         'o': 333,
         'p': 19,
         'r': 719,
         's': 1470,
         't': 629,
         'u': 120,
         'v': 10,
         'w': 31,
         'x': 44,
         'y': 3178,
         'z': 75})

Preparing data for the 1990s.
A counter for last letter frequencies.

In [21]:
female_1990_freq = Counter()
for name in female_1990['name']:
    female_1990_freq[name[-1]] += 1

Counter({'a': 71322,
         'b': 105,
         'c': 159,
         'd': 663,
         'e': 28064,
         'f': 28,
         'g': 331,
         'h': 7263,
         'i': 8893,
         'j': 55,
         'k': 233,
         'l': 4734,
         'm': 672,
         'n': 17677,
         'o': 1083,
         'p': 100,
         'q': 2,
         'r': 2218,
         's': 2434,
         't': 1454,
         'u': 349,
         'v': 19,
         'w': 93,
         'x': 157,
         'y': 10689,
         'z': 348})

Converting the frequency data from counter to dataframes after sorting the letters alphabetically.

In [22]:
#for 1880s
first = pd.DataFrame.from_dict((OrderedDict(sorted(female_1880_freq.items()))), orient = 'index').reset_index()
first.columns = ['letter','frequency']
first['decade'] = '1880s'
print first.head()

#for 1940s
second = pd.DataFrame.from_dict((OrderedDict(sorted(female_1940_freq.items()))), orient = 'index').reset_index()
second.columns = ['letter','frequency']
second['decade'] = '1940s'
print second.head()

#for 1990s
third = pd.DataFrame.from_dict((OrderedDict(sorted(female_1990_freq.items()))), orient = 'index').reset_index()
third.columns = ['letter','frequency']
third['decade'] = '1990s'
print third.head()

  letter  frequency decade
0      a       4718  1880s
1      c          2  1880s
2      d        111  1880s
3      e       3854  1880s
4      g         15  1880s
  letter  frequency decade
0      a      20207  1940s
1      b         18  1940s
2      c         14  1940s
3      d        486  1940s
4      e      16640  1940s
  letter  frequency decade
0      a      71322  1990s
1      b        105  1990s
2      c        159  1990s
3      d        663  1990s
4      e      28064  1990s

Aggregating all required decades (1880s, 1940s, 1990s) into a single dataframe and then into a pivot table for ease in plotting graphs.

In [23]:
#Aggregate 1880s, 1940s and 1990s frequencies
frames = [first, second, third]
columns = ["letter","frequency", "decade"]

req_decades = pd.DataFrame(pd.concat(frames))
req_decades.columns = columns
print req_decades.head()
print req_decades.tail()

#Get data into a pivot table for ease in plotting
decades_table = pd.pivot_table(req_decades, index=['letter'], values=['frequency'], columns=['decade'])

  letter  frequency decade
0      a       4718  1880s
1      c          2  1880s
2      d        111  1880s
3      e       3854  1880s
4      g         15  1880s
   letter  frequency decade
21      v         19  1990s
22      w         93  1990s
23      x        157  1990s
24      y      10689  1990s
25      z        348  1990s
decade 1880s 1940s 1990s
a 4718.0 20207.0 71322.0
b NaN 18.0 105.0
c 2.0 14.0 159.0
d 111.0 486.0 663.0
e 3854.0 16640.0 28064.0

Plot of last letter of females for 1880s , 1940s, 1990s, and for all years (from part 2).

In [24]:
#plot the decades as bars and the female line for all years as a line
c = ['m','g','c']
decades_table['frequency'].plot(kind = 'bar', rot = 0,color = c, title = 'Frequency of Last letter of Female names by Female Births')
#the female line for all years taken from part 2
plt.plot(range(len(female_last_letter_freq_asc)), female_last_letter_freq_asc.values(), c = 'r', label = 'All Female births')
plt.legend(loc = 'best')
#double the size of plot for visibility
size = 2
params = plt.gcf()
plSize = params.get_size_inches()
params.set_size_inches((plSize[0]*size, plSize[1]*size))

The graph has extreme variations in highs and lows.
Plotting the logarithmic scale of frequencies takes care of this and makes it easier for comparison.

In [25]:
#plot the decades as bars and the female line for all years as a line
c = ['m','g','c']
decades_table['frequency'].plot(kind = 'bar', rot = 0, logy = 'True',color = c, title = 'Log(Frequency) of Last letter of Female names by Female Births')
#the female line for all years taken from part 2
plt.plot(range(len(female_last_letter_freq_asc)), female_last_letter_freq_asc.values(), c = 'r', label = 'All Female births')
plt.legend(loc = 'best')
#double the size of plot for visibility
size = 2
params = plt.gcf()
plSize = params.get_size_inches()
params.set_size_inches((plSize[0]*size, plSize[1]*size))

Evaluate how stable this statistic is. Speculate on why it is is stable, if it is, or on what demographic facts might explain any changes, if there are any.

We can normalize the table by total births in each particular decades to compute a new table containing proportion of total births for each decade ending in each letter.

In [26]:

frequency  1880s      10930.0
           1940s      55230.0
           1990s     159145.0
dtype: float64

In [27]:
#plot the decades as bars and the female line for all years as a line
c = ['m','g','c']
decades_table_prop = decades_table/decades_table.sum().astype(float)
decades_table_prop['frequency'].plot(kind = 'bar', rot = 0,color = c, title = 'Normalized Frequency of Last letter of Female names by Female Births')
#the female line for all years taken from part 2
#plt.plot(range(len(female_last_letter_freq_asc)), female_last_letter_freq_asc.values(), c = 'r', label = 'All Female births')
plt.ylabel('Normalized Frequency')
plt.legend(loc = 'best')
#double the size of plot for visibility
size = 2
params = plt.gcf()
plSize = params.get_size_inches()
params.set_size_inches((plSize[0]*size, plSize[1]*size))

The statistics are pretty stable for some letters, but not so stable for other letters.
The letters 'a' and 'e' while decreasing in popularity are still the leading name end letters. There has been a rise in the usage of letters 'n' and 'y' in 1940s and 1990s.
Fewer parents choose common names for their female children as we progress through the decades.
Tradition no longer dictates how female children are named.
We can see in 1880s that majority of female names end in 'a' and 'e'.
In 1940s majority of female names end in 'a', 'e', 'i', 'l', 'n', 's' and 'y' which starts a break from tradition.
In 1990s majority of female names end in 'a', 'e', 'h', 'i', 'l', 'n' and 'y' which signals that while some might still choose traditional names, fashion or trends or uniqueness in names might also dictate how females are named in recent decades.

In [ ]: